Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2014

Pulang Kampung

First,  HAPPY EID MUBARAK 1435 H. May the blessings be with you today, tomorrow and always. Taqabbalallaahu minna wa minkum, shiyamana wa shiyamakum. 

Last Saturday I went to my home village to visit my parents and celebrate Idul Fitri. My home village is approximately one hundred kilometers away from where I live. I leave the house at 3 pm and it takes around two an a half hours to get to my home village. I arrive at the bridge of Progo River at 5.30, it is only 2 kilometers more to home! I stop by and enjoy the twilight. The sun begin to sink. I am glad to see the west horizon. The sky is turning orange but gray clouds cover it and I can't take the best spot, but it is wonderful though.

It is very great to get home.. My mother has several collections of plants, one of them is Puring (Codiaeum variegatum)

The pumpkin has impressed me most. It grows lush and flowers.


The pumpkin shoots climb up the roof. The coconut trees appear at the back and want to say hallo!

These two, I don't know the name. But the far left from the first photo is Aglaonema. 

I arrive at home just a few minutes to Maghrib. We are fasting and it means we are going to have the time of breaking the fast or 'Iftar' when Maghrib comes. Alhamdulillah... Yay..!

After Taraaweeh, my mom prepares to make a special traditional cake. What is it? Next, we will talk about it. :)

4 komentar:

  1. Assalam.. Salam Lebaran walaupun Syawal sudah menjelang hari yg ke 7..di Malaysia juga kami pulang ke kampung merayakan Eidul Fitri.. foto 2 hingga 3 itu kami panggil pokok puding..

    1. Wa'alaykumussalaam wr wb Kak Mar, iya, sudah menjelang hari ke 7 Syawal, saya sedikit terlambat membuat posting karena pulang kampung lebih banyak berkumpul bersama kerabat. Bagaimana suasana lebaran di Malaysia?
      Benar Kak Mar, pohon Puring disebut juga pokok Puding.
      Terima kasih Kak Mar sudah singgah ke blog ini..

  2. Cantik sekali koleksi puringnya. Labunya subur sekali, kebayang buahnya. Jadi ingat dulu dirumah orang tuaku tanaman labu tumbuh merambat di genting, giliran mau panen bingung ambilnya, soalnya buahnya sangat besar dan banyak. Saking rimbunnya tidak ketahuan kalau banyak buahnya.
    oh ya ... mudiknya kemana saja?

    1. Terima kasih banyak Bu Endah.. Saya mudik ke Kulon Progo, itu sulur yang tumbuh di genting kemudian saya potong, takut terlalu rimbun dan didatangi ular.
