Senin, 15 September 2014

Flowering Cilantro

Bukankah itu  indah? Saya juga menikmati bunga tanaman ramuan, mereka juga terlihat cantik. :) Sebenarnya, saya mempunyai sedikit masalah dengan tanaman ini. Nama Latin untuk tanaman ini adalah Coriandrum sativum. Daun dan batang tanaman yang disebut sebagai "cilantro," sementara benih dirujuk sebagai "ketumbar." Bagaimana dengan bunganya?

Isn't it just beautiful? I also enjoy herb's flower, they also look beautiful. :)

Actually, I have a little problem with this plant. The Latin name for this herb  is Coriandrum sativum. The leaves and stalks of the plant are referred to as “cilantro,” while the seeds are referred to as “coriander.” How about the flowers?

6 komentar:

  1. I've never tried eating the flowers! I don't actually like fresh coriander leaves, but I love the ground seeds. (We call all parts of it 'coriander' here). It's funny that it tastes so different, it might as well be from a different plant!

    1. Thanks Ruth, it is easier to call all parts of it 'coriander'.
      ya, they taste so different,

  2. Setahu saya coriander dan cylantro itu sama. Cylantro itu istilah orang Amerika Latin untuk ketumbar. Ketumbar fresh aromanya sangat menyengat, saya pernah beli di pasar langsung dari petani.

    1. terima kasih Bu Endah...
      iya, ketumbar fresh aromanya lebih menyengat. Sedep, xi xi... Wah senang ya kalau bisa jumpa petani sayur mayur dan tanaman pangan,

  3. Sorry, Hari, I called you the wrong name I think? P. x
