Sabtu, 08 November 2014

Weekly Harvest


Since I got eyes fatigue, there are many photos have not been uploaded.  These are from last week on October. I harvested lettuce, Japanese Cucumber and few tomatoes still. I plant cucumber on September and harvest on late October. Japanese Cucumber taste crunchy but smooth and sweet. I grow Green Rapid Lettuce variety, sowed on September and harvest on October. They are all my first growing vegetables experience, never did before so I was so excited to have them.

Sejak mengalami kelelahan mata, banyak foto yang belum ter-upload. Berikut ini beberapa foto dari minggu terakhir bulan Oktober. Saya memanen Lettuce, Timun Jepang dan sedikit tomat pula.  Saya menanamnya di Bulan September dan panen di akhir October. Timun Jepang rasanya renyah namun lembut dan manis. Saya menanam Lettuce varietas Green Rapid, disemai bulan September dan panen di Bulan October. Semuanya adalah pengalaman pertama saya menanam sayuran, belum pernah sebelumnya sehingga saya sangat senang memilikinya.

6 komentar:

  1. What an amazing harvest! Such a feast for the eyes! I love it when the garden produces beautiful food like this! Lovely week to you! Nicole

  2. Segar panennya, timunku sedang rehat berbuah, baru mulai berbunga.

    1. Terima kasih Bu Endah.

      Selanjutnya Bu Endah yang akan panen timun. Ditunggu updatenya..

  3. hello,
    thanks for your lovely comment on my blog!
    wow.....a great harvest.I love salad-cucumbers.
    have a nice restweek,

    1. Thanks and welcome, Regina.
      Have a great time...:)
