Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

Feeding The Baby Catterpillar

I grow caisim 'toksakan' from seeds. They grow well in bags untill I find babies catterpillar eating the leaves. I pick the 'infected' leaves, but the babies just come over and over. Well, it is so nice to feed the babies, I do not mind.. And I just need to plant the seeds again, :)

4 komentar:

  1. That's kind of you not to mind them munching away at your plants. I hope they leave your next batch alone.

  2. Thank you, Paula.. They ate the leaves fastly. Even if I mind, I'd still lose the caisim, right? xi xi..
    I hope so, pests will stay away from the plants.
    Have a great week.. :)

  3. Wah... ulatnya biasanya sembunyi di bagian bawah daun, warna hijau, kecil pula, sering nggak ketahuan. Tahu tahu dah habis...
