Senin, 01 Desember 2014

Chilling Spring Bulbs

Muscari / grape hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum)
Chilling Muscari bulbs in the fridge with potting soil.
Sprouting Hyacinth bulbs.
Chilling Hyacinth bulbs in the fridge with potting soil.

I have been chilling spring bulbs in the fridge from mid October, my first time ever. I chill the bulbs without potting soil then I find them sprouting on late November. I have just tried to chill the sprouting muscari and hyacinth bulbs with potting soil this afternoon. What do you think? Is it right to chill spring bulbs this way?

8 komentar:

  1. Assalam Hari.. wah banyaknya bulb... semoga hyacinthnya berbunga indah..

  2. Wa'alaykumussalaam Kak Mar,
    aamiin.. terima kasih, ini pertama kalinya Hari menanam umbi bunga musim semi. Besar harapan mereka hidup di iklim tropis.

  3. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog today ... glad it has led me to yours! Lovely photos.

  4. Good evening! Wow, I know nothing about chilling bulbs, but how gorgeous will they be in the spring! And I thank you so much for coming over to visit my blog tonight! Best of luck with these beauties and enjoy them in the Spring of 2015! Anita

  5. Thank you, Anita and good evening too.
    I hope they will bloom here in tropics, I need to give them a cold treatment to stimulate their growth as it is winter in their four seasons country. It is a pleasant to have them.
    I wish you a great time there..

  6. Halo mba.. salam kenal.. Aku juga tertarik untuk menanam umbi bunga semi sendiri di rumah.. Apakah perlu terkena sinar matahari selama masa cold treatment? Dan umbi bunga semi bisa didapat darimana yah? Terima kasih.. Angel

    1. Halo dan salam kenal juga..
      Selama cold treatment di dalam kulkas tidak perlu terkena sinar matahari. Umbi bunga musim semi bisa didapatkan dengan menitip teman atau saudara yang sedang bepergian ke luar negeri atau melalui penjual online. Bulan-bulan ini sedang musim umbi musim semi. Ada penjual di Indonesia yang menyediakan umbi musim semi. coba dicari. semoga beruntung...
